Dr. Strange 2 SPOILERS SPECIFIC Talk | 257 | Randumb Specific
The full open spoilers discussion on the film Doctor Stange In The Multiverse of Madness. We'll be talking about fun facts about the film, and actors and go into specific details about Marvel, filmmaking, and the science behind the movie.
O N T H E P A N E L:
▶ Chris Fagan @chriswfagan
▶ Joy Aleman @t3medias
▶ Daniel Dyer @dyercosplay
▶ Giovanni Uriostegui @TheUnoriginalComics
S U P P O R T T H I S. C H A N N E L:
▶ Sent questions during live streams or anytime for We Got Your Mail at https://streamlabs.com/t3medias/tip
F O L L O W O N S O C I A L M E D I A:
▶ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/t3medias